The Purchasing Division is responsible for review and approval of the procurement of goods and services required for the daily operation of the city in accordance with the State of New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1. Through this function, the city endeavors to procure goods and services on behalf of city departments in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible, including participating in cooperative purchasing agreements.
For a list of the current cooperative contracts the city utilizes, please click here.
Please check our website often, as new information and requests for services are posted. We often seek competitive price quotes to satisfy our operational needs. A list of items may be posted for which sealed bids are required. As an equal opportunity employer, the City of Vineland encourages small and minority owned businesses to respond. The City of Vineland uses the following methods of procurement. Click here for current requests and cooperative purchasing agreement announcements.
Request For Quotes
Quotes are required for all purchases between $6,600 and the city’s current bid threshold of $17,500. Requests for quote may come from an individual department or listed on the link provided on this website. Timely response by vendors will assist us in responding quickly to the needs of our departments.
Invitation For Bid: (IFB)
Bids are required for the purchase of any item, service, or public improvement when the cost exceeds the city’s current bid threshold of $44,000, pursuant to N.J.S.A.: 11-3. Bids must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the bid package.
Bids are advertised in The Daily Journal and listed on the link provided on this website. In general, there is no charge for bid specifications unless specifically noted in the advertisement. If you wish to have a bid package forwarded by Federal Express or any overnight carrier, please provide your company name, street address (no PO boxes), telephone number, contact person, and your account number.
Bids are opened and read in public at the date and time specified in the bid. Vendors are invited to attend all bid openings. Bids will be available for inspection after all have been opened. Notification of award/rejection will be made in writing.
Request For Proposal: (RFP)
RFPs may be used for the procurement of specialized services or systems of a highly technical nature. RFPs are publicly advertised and generally include a detailed proposal as part of a sealed bid process. They provide for negotiations after sealed proposals are opened, and the award of contract may not necessarily go to the lowest bidder.
Request For Professional Qualifications (RFPQ)
RFPQs emphasize the qualifications, previous experience, and references of responders. This process is generally used for selecting professional services such as lawyers, architects, or public relations professionals, and cannot be used when competitive sealed bids are required.