On-line Payment Option
Customers now have the option of paying their electric, water, and solid waste bill online via our website with a credit card, debit card or e-check. A payment can be made using your VISA, MASTERCARD, OR DISCOVER CARD. We do not accept credit card, debit card, or e-check payments in person. A processing fee of $3.25 will be charged by the third party payment processing vendor.
Please note: It may take several business days for VMU to receive payments initiated through your banking institution or an online third party company. VMU is not responsible for payments not received by the payment due date. Online payments made through our online payment portal are received in real time. For your convenience, we’ve provided a link to the portal above.
Customers have the option of paying by phone via our Customer Service line by dialing 856-794-4021, or by dialing direct at 1-855-786-5260.
Cash Payments
Cash payments can be made at the drive-thru window or at our cashier’s department located on the ground floor of City Hall-(640 E. Wood Street, Vineland, NJ).
Please do not mail cash payments with your bill.
Personal Checks
Personal checks can be mailed with your bill stub. A return envelope has been provided for your convenience. Personal checks are also accepted at our cashier’s department located on the ground floor of City Hall—(640 E. Wood Street, Vineland, NJ).
Please include account number on check.
Money Order
A money order can be mailed with your bill stub. A return envelope has been provided for your convenience. Money Orders are also accepted at our cashier’s department located on the ground floor of City Hall—(640 E. Wood Street, Vineland, NJ).
Please include account number on money order.
Vineland Municipal Utilities offers an easier and more convenient way to pay your monthly utility bill automatically through an AutoPay option. Avoid late fees, save trees, checks, stamps and time by signing up for AutoPay. On your due date, the AutoPay option allows your utility bill amount to be automatically deducted from your checking account. To sign-up for AutoPay, Login to your account and register by clicking below: