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We Heard You Last Year.
Now, Tell Us What You Think.

A survey of sentiment towards the safety of Chestnut Avenue showed us you thought that people drove too fast, bike lanes were needed, and pedestrians needed better facilities.
The City Engineer worked with T&M Associates to develop a concept plan for safety improvements on Chestnut Avenue from Main Road to Delsea Drive.

The Highlights:

  • Road Diet (4 lanes > 3 lanes)
  • Bike Lanes
  • Pedestrian Refuge Islands
  • Traffic Signal Replacements
  • Enhanced Street and Pedestrian Lighting
  • Speed Reduction (40 mph > 30 mph)
  • Roundabout
  • Improved Sidewalks
  • Pedestrian Activated Beacons

Chestnut Avenue Cross Section Detail
Click image to enlarge

It is just a concept for now. Some things might go in different places or not be included at all. Your help will shape this design.

The City applied for a Federal grant to complete the design and construct the improvements.

Review the following for the Concept design and other resources. Don’t forget to complete the survey.


Chestnut Avenue Concept Plans
SJTPO Cumberland County Bike Ped Safety Action Plan
FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures Flyer
FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures Booklet
Chestnut Avenue Concept Plan Survey
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